Workout w/ Elise! Starts Sept. 13 FRI 12:30-1:30pm & SUN 4:30-5:30pm


Please Note: INCLINED DANCE PROJECT will sadly not be performing this weekend due to a family emergency. Sunday June 11th @2:00pm LOCAL PRODUCE in the GARDENS at the Garden of Union, Union Street (between 4th & 5th Avenues) Featuring MUSIC and an interactive SINGALONG with NEUROMOTIF (Brooke Slemmer & Sophie Kohn) plus new performance work by CHIKYU to the MOON CHIKYU to the MOON performing at LOCAL PRODUCE last month Photo: Elise Long 2023
New Collaborations Friday, June 9. delete

Exit Art Exhibit Opens – featuring over a dozen painters, photographers, printmakers

Young Artists Spring Recital & Benefit May 13-14

YOUNG ARTISTS “SPRING RECITALS” @ the Gowanus Arts Annex and the beginning of the LOCAL PRODUCE FESTIVAL May 13-15, 2022 Although STH is still not running our own classes at this time, we invite all independent Dance, Music and Theater teachers to showcase your own delightful students as we revisit STH’s annual, end-of-the year CLASS SHARINGS! This shared showcase of young local talent will be held May 13-15 this year starting with two indoor 7pm performances at the new Gowanus Arts Annex on Butler Street, followed by an outdoor afternoon performance at STH’s 29th annual LOCAL PRODUCE Festival, this year being presented as part of 5th Avenue BID’s FABULOUS 5TH AVE STREET FAIR! The indoor performances are a benefit for Spoke the Hub to help raise money for a desperately needed HVAC system; the outdoor LOCAL PRODUCE performances are FREE. So far, the youth programs will feature Sarah Pope’s Creative Dance and Ballet students; ChristinaNoel Reeves’ Modern Dance students; Fujiko Saunders’ Hip Hop students; Bharathi Penneswaran’s Indian Dance students; and Liz Hogg’s music students. Photos: Marcia Bricker Halperin, Erik Almeida If you have Dance, Music or Theater students you would also like to showcase and who would bring more diversity to our youth showcases, please contact Spoke the Hub ASAP: We are also putting together a similar May showcase for ADULT non-professional Dance, Music and Theater students only for the following weekend, May 20-21. If you are a teacher and have adult students – or are an adult performing arts student yourself – who would like to share what you are learning with family and friends, please also get in touch ASAP to find out more:
NEW! Gowanus Arts Gallery Collective Now Forming

Thank you for you purchase!
Blah blah!


Photo: Marcia Bricker Halperin WE’RE HEADING BACK INTO THE STUDIO FOR LIVE PERFORMANCES THIS FALL AT THE SPOKE THE HUB RE:CREATION CENTER IN PARK SLOPE! APPLY NOW TO PRESENT WORK IN ONE OF OUR UPCOMING SALON SHOWCASES! Spoke the Hub invites all professional Dancers, Musicians, Actors, Film-makers, Spoken Word Artists, Comedians, Circus Performers and Interdisciplinary Performing Artists to submit a video/link of the work you would like to present in STH’s upcoming, informal and intimate SALON Series 2021-2022. Generally, there are 4-6 artists on each program, depending on the length of the works submitted. Generally, presentations are no less than 5 minutes long but no longer than 20 minutes. Yes, you can apply to be on unlimited showcases and yes, you can use this forum to “workshop” your ongoing project overtime in front of a live audience. Yes, it can be a brand new work, a revived work, an excerpt of a new or old work, or a work-in-progress. No, there is no money involved at this time (although we are trying to work out some kind of workable financial structure to pay artists a cut of the door if they bring in a large number of the paying audience.) For further information, please contact: APPLY HERE!
Dance, Music & Tai Chi w/ Nikki Theroux , Liz Hogg, Ann Rebel-Coyne

Ann Reibel-Coyne is a NYS licensed acupuncturist and an enthusiastic, NQA certified taichi & qigong instructor. Ann’s philosophy is to ease discomfort by raising awareness of lifestyle choices and, most important, she compassionately inspires patient confidence in healing. As a taichi & qigong instructor she believes a gentle practice yields greater health benefits. Ann practices acupuncture at 480 6th Ave. Brooklyn NY and teaches taichi & qigong in Prospect Park, on Zoom and for several local organizations. Contact her at / 347-461-2028. Link to sample Qigong lesson Link to taichi demo