Due to unanticipated delays in our renovation schedule over at  Gowanus Arts, our new improved Douglass Street studios and theater will not be ready dancing for another 6 months or so; therefore, Spoke has found a nearby, temporary home and work space for our Fall programs, and for those of our teaching associates, performance groups, martial arts groups, and other independent artists-in-residence.

The Annex will sport two new dance spaces: one smaller 18′ x 19′ studio, and a larger 18′ x 36′ studio. Each has natural light, new dance floors, sound systems, ballet barres, and mirrors for use by our space renters.

(Our friends from OPEN SOURCE & KOKO/NY will also have a studio art space and exhibit space on our floor.)
For further information and to book space now at the STH Arts Annex, please visit or website at spokethehub.org and/or contact Lori at 718.408-3234 or space@spokethehub.org.