Boomer and Silver Dance and Fitness Programs

Spoke’s “Move For Life” initiative encourages an active and healthy lifestyle from infancy to one’s autumn years. We have expanded our class offerings this fall to include many dance, yoga and exercise classes specifically geared for active baby boomers and seniors. For those with physical challenges, health or movement limitations, or those that want to explore movement at a slower, more mindful pace classes are taught by master teachers of a similar vintage with decades of teaching and moving experience under their belts.
Current class offerings include Restorative Yoga, Yoga for Arthritis, Kripalu Yoga, Yoga & Meditation, Step ‘n Sculpt, Cardio Dance, Ballroom, Hatha Yoga, Chair Yoga, Sunday Workout. Teachers include Dalienne Majors, Karen Munson, Dolores Natividad, Laurie Shayler, Elise Long. Additional Teaching Artists who work with Spoke the Hub’s Move for Life program include visual artists Gail Flanery and Cecilia Schmidt, choreographer/storyteller Mark Lamb, and theater directors Alexander Borinsky and Kerry Kasting.
Many of our current older students are also still active dancers, choreographers, artists and fitness instructors and find our intelligent, fun and challenging workouts to be the perfect “maintenance” classes to keep them up and running without injuries.