Please join STH Director Elise Long and “Team Patrick” this Capricorn season and help raise money for Patrick Abila’s kidney transplant while improving your own health and fitness! Elise offers two “pay-what-you-can” mid-day workouts starting in January with all proceeds going toward getting Patrick the kidney he so desperately needs.

Joanne, Patrick and FriendThe suggested donation is $20 a class, but pay what you can, come as you are.  All workouts can also be self-modified to be no – low – or multi-impact. Come laugh, sweat, dance, pump and stretch with Elise while you offer one man and his four kids in Kenya a new lease on life. Sign-up online each week (or email Elise to let her know you are coming) and please bring friends!

Also, Capricorn affiliate Chef Sung Uni Lee has also joined “Team Patrick” and will be preparing a dinner banquet  in January to help raise money for Patrick — contact Spoke the Hub for further details on time, place and menu.