[beforetitle][/beforetitle]In order to encourage folks to make dance and exercise a daily habit they just can’t live without, Spoke will also offer a new “Passport to Fitness” payment option.

Here’s how the “Passport” works:
You have access to 8 fantastic fitness classes each week (classes listed below) that will keep you healthy, strong and in-shape while providing you with the schedule flexibility that we know you need!

You could potentially have access to 8 classes each week or 32 classes each month for the low cost of $100 p/month! That comes out to about $3.00 p/class if you really use it or $12.50 p/class if you only take two classes p/week. Any way you look at it, you’re getting an AMAZING deal while staying fit and healthy…and we hope, having some fun along the way!

Online registration for this program is not yet available, so contact us if you’re interested in signing up.

[sth-class-list semesterid=7 filter=”name” include=”Roll, Cardio, Sculpt, 101, Gentle Dance, Stretch, Super Sunday” hide=”age, price, signup”]

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