
Ahoy Local Businesses, Freelancers,  Entrepreneurs, Independent Teachers and Craftspeople!

Create a still ad graphic and/or a short video for STH’s pre-performance  “trailers” to roll out soon at all upcoming STH shows in the WHEELHOUSE !  

Get the word out on what services you have to offer our community of upbeat, progressive, families and arts enthusiasts, or just make a friendly announcement or greeting to share with our audiences.   

Let us help support you while you are helping support us, your favorite, little community Dance, Arts and Culture beehive here on Union Street!

Still Ads:  $25 per performance weekend 

Video Trailers: $45 per performance weekend

-and please enjoy our good friend Kelly Hayes ‘ GOWANUS GARDENS ad and trailer for her bar on 4th Avenue to get an idea of what you could do – have fun with it!