Fridays 4:00-5:00pm with Amber Schmiesing

AMBER SCHMIESING is dancer, choreographer and film-maker, originally from the extremely cold planet, Minnesota. She hopes to travel the world, dance with epic people, make films, and eventually start a dance company. When creating movement in dance, film, and design she is constantly inspired to create work based on momentum, architecture, and structural design

Here are some classes and teachers new to STH this Fall that we want the community to meet! Come try a sample class with them and join the party!


(Adults & Teens; no previous experience necessary)

Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm with Faith Kimberling
Come get your Isadora on at Spoke on Tuesday nights with master dance teacher, Faith Kimberling. Hailed by most to be the “Mother of Modern Dance” for her groundbreaking, free spirited dance at the turn of last century, Isadora and her revolutionary dance technique is still shockingly contemporary, brave and beautiful.
FAITH KIMBERLING  has danced with Lori Belilove’s Isadora Duncan Dance Company since 2005 and has enjoyed teaching ballet, jazz, modern, and creative movement for over 15 years. She has also danced for White Wave:Young Soon Kim and Pilobolus Creative Services, Gaspard Louis, Anna Sokolow, Molissa Fenley, Edisa Weeks, Lindt Ballet Theater, and Linda Diamond. In addition to holding a a BA in English from Bucknell, graduate credits in Dance Education from SUNY, and a DEL teaching certificate from the 92nd Street Y, Faith loves being a mommy to two beautiful girls! To quote Isadora, dancing is the “highest intelligence in the freest body”.
Mondays 3:30-4:30pm with Eugene Jordan
(a/k/a “Spydey”)

Spoke the Hub welcomes hip hop dancer “Spydey” to our youth dance faculty on Mondays where he is currently working with master teacher Mark Lamb in preparation to take over Spoke the Hub’s well loved Pre-K “Action Heroes” and “Street Beatz” classes
SPYDEY grew up in in Hollis Queens, home to native hip hop icons like LL Cool J and Run DMC.  He taught himself street dance moves and backflips by mimicking Michael Jackson and Usher videos when he was very young.  He picked up Breakin’ at age 18 after watching it on T.V. and seeing it in his high school’s black history show.  In his first year at college, he was introduced to Kid Glyde, son of Mr. Glyde and president of the legendary B-boy Crew “The Dynamic Rockers”. After training and learning about hip hop history from Kid Glyde and Dynamic, Spydey became a member of the Dynamic crew, competing with them in world reknown breaking’ competitions like R16 and Outbreak;  he has won dance competitions at “Battle for Your Life / New Jersey” and the 610 Mayfield Competition in Pennsylvania.
(For Ages 10 and up, plus Adults, with SOME previous training)
Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm with Gentry Isaiah George

Back by popular demand, last season’s contemporary MODERN/BALLET dance technique class with Gentry George, open to both pre-teen, teen and adult dance students with some previous training, returns to STH’s Fall schedule line-up on Wednesday nights. The class will offer a fun and dynamic mixture of both set material and improvisation as students build their technical skills and movement versatility. Classes will most often begin with a warm-up in the center, followed by traveling movements across the floor, and then we will build phrases together. Emphasis will be on learning smart practices for developing articulate footwork, solid balances, easy ways into and up out of the floor and navigating the many ways to leap and land. Emphasis will also be on cultivating a positive sense of self-image and a collaborative, supportive, creative environment.

Choreographer and contemporary dance instructor Gentry Isaiah George is the founder of ZEST Collective Dance and a former Dance Artist for the Dance Theatre of Harlem, Ailey II, Lustig Dance Theatre, Collage Dance Collective, and Malcolm Low’s Formal Structure. Gentry graduated from the Juilliard School in 2012 and is an Associate Artist at New York Live Arts. He also currently teaches Ballet and Dance Lab / Composition at USDAN Summer Camp for the Arts. Gentry has presented work throughout New York City, New Jersey and Florida. In New York City, ZEST has performed at the SummerStage, Dixon Place, HarlemStage Gatehouse Theater, Ulster Performing Arts Center, Jamaica Center for the Arts and Learning, Whitebox Art Center, Madiba Harlem, Fort Tryon Park, Marcus Garvey Park, and the YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood.